President's Report 2022
President's Report 2022
As our Orlando meeting comes to a close, I would like to thank all of you for making our 51st meeting a success. It was so nice to see new faces and rekindle old friendships. The USTA tennis center was definitely conducive to our meeting. Plenty of courts made for a well run tournament. And could we not have asked for better weather. We skirted Hurricane Ian and was troubled only by a few hours of rain. Too bad it fell during the finals of The Nation's cup tournament. Congratulations to Germany who were the winner of the men's nation cup and to the Lithuanian Women who beat out Latvia and get to enjoy the trophy for another year.
The time has come to pass the torch to the next President, Joanna Szafranek from Poland. Her infectious smile and warm personality will be an asset to our organization. With the help of our Executive Board, she will have no problem navigating this new role with confidence and continue to ensure the integrity of our organization.
We continue to need you, our members to promote our organization to your colleagues. Hats off to Dr. Swanit Deshpande from India who is eager to promote our organization through social media platforms. It was such a pleasure to meet him and see his enthusiasm for our organization. I look forward to meeting his colleagues and the next generation of tennis loving physicians and dentists.
For those of you who were unable to attend this year's meeting, you were definitely missed. Enjoy the pictures that can be viewed on our website. Please continue to promote our organization to your colleagues. Our next meeting is scheduled for July 22-28, 2023 in Jurmala, Latvia. I am told they have a brand new tennis facility. Thank you Dr. Egils Valeinis for offering to host next year's meeting. We look forward to more fun times.
Sincerely, Bonnie Sidoff