History of WMTS

Dr. Stanley McCampbell

Bill Drake
In 1971, Dr. Stanley R. McCampbell, an Oklahoma City cardiologist, led a delegation of doctors to a medical/tennis congress in Monte Carlo. Of the six countries represented at the meeting, the U.S. was the only one with a physicians' tennis organization (the American Medical Tennis Association). Dr. McCampbell and Bill Drake (AMTA Executive Director) conceived the idea for an international medical tennis organization and presented the idea to representatives of the five other countries present at Monte Carlo. They explained their AMTA organization and functions and urged those five representatives to organize similar associations in their respective homelands. The goal was to conduct regular international medical conventions with scientific program at which tennis competitions for players of all levels could be offered to the delegates and their spouses.
From the beginning, Dr. McCampbell served as president, but, at the Helsinki Congress in 1983, a health problem prompted him to submit his resignation. The Board of Directors, in appreciation of his leadership and contributions, awarded him the title of Founder-President Emeritus. A listing of his successors can be found here. Mr. Bill Drake served as Executive Secretary of the WMTS from 1971-1996 and was honored at the 1995 Congress in Arles, France for his outstanding service. Mr. Drake resigned as Executive Secretary in 1996. A listing of his successors can also be found here.
The WMTS is a unique organization....loosely structured, with no formal financial support. It has prospered because of the appeal of the common denominators: medicine and tennis. There have been many unusual and improbable experiences in the Society's 25 year history. The series of annual meetings has produced a countless number of international friendships and experiences including home visits, children being exchanged for as long as a year, patient referrals, unique travel experiences (e.g.papal audience in Rome/86), and the sharing of medical research and techniques across national and idealogical boundaries.
The future of the Society is assured and exciting. The momentum is established and each year there is a new infusion of talented and enthusiastic participants. The resulting contributions in international exchanges and understandings generated by the activities of the Society are priceless returns.
The Scientific Program
The International Congress on Psychosomatic and Preventive Medicine (ICPPM) has morphed in the last few years to include nutrition, aging, medical response to injuries due to terrorist weapons and current basic science topics. Sessions are held throughout the week at venues convenient to tennis activities and flexible in timing to allow participation in the WMTS athletic activities. This provides members of the organization the opportunity to present medical papers, engage in dynamic conversation about international developments in medicine, as well as participate in collegial social activities.
The Tennis Program
There are two types of competition in WMTS tournaments. The first is entitled the Coupe de Monde. It is an open individual competition for doctors and spouses. The second is the Coupe des Nations, a Davis Cup type format in which the various nations compete in three events, a single elimination process. The trophy for the Coupe des Nations is enormous and is a traveling cup donated by Marion Labs, thus the Marion Cup. Competition for this cup has generated a lot of nationalistic pride among the delegates with cheering sections and a great deal of enthusiasm.