Wrap-Up of 40th Anniversary Meeting of the World Medical Tennis Society, Summer, 2010, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
The Slovakian Medical Tennis Society hosted the 40th meeting of the WMTS in August, 2010. The meeting was held in the northern part of Slovakia, a beautiful area of the country, in the town of Banska Bystrica. Dr. Miroslav Ondrej, President of WMTS, and Dr. Juraj Sninsky, President of the Slovakian Medical Tennis Society, oversaw the planning and staging of the event.
40 years!!! When you think about it, it's an astounding fact!! Dr. Stanley McCampbell, a founding member of WMTS, is very proud of this. (I have been in contact with him regarding the latest meeting.) 40 years of bringing doctors and spouses together, to many countries of the world, to make lifelong international friends, to play tennis, to attend special events-such as when we saw Slovakian musicians and dancers in native costumes--and to enjoy scientific sessions. It's amazing, isn't it??!!
At the Awards Dinner, I asked for a show of hands of those who were at the first meeting in Monte Carlo 40 years ago. Nobody. There were 2 couples, the Oxeliuses and the Vaalamos, who were with us in Slovakia; they have been to well over 30 meetings. They have the record for attendance. Good for them.
Enthusiasm for WMTS remains high. Some years ago, we worried that countries were not stepping up to host a meeting. It is different now. In the next years we have Czech Republic, Italy, Latvia, and the Netherlands who will host meetings. Though enthusiasm and attendance remain strong, we cannot "rest on our laurels." We must all make an effort to encourage young physicians to attend, so WMTS can go on and on and on.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Manion, Executive Secretary
P.S. Are there any of you, out there in cyberspace, who would be interested in learning the TDM system for arranging the tournament schedules? Dr. Sorin Schaechter has been helping us, but he would, in turn, like some help too.