The Finnish Medical Tennis Association staged an outstanding meeting. There were many highlights to remember.
The tennis competition was, as usual, at a high, intense level. It is good to see doctors and their spouses, of all ages, playing tennis and staying fit and enjoying themselves. We played at two venues, and there were many volunteers who gave us rides to and from the courts. One of the days was rainy, and we were able to play in the nicest indoor facility, with 19 courts, that I've ever seen; the weather was beautiful except for that one day. A TDM computer system was used to keep the matches going on time; thank you to Dr. Sorin Schaechter and to Dr. Lon Olsen for the usage of this system.
Nations' Cup competition is always exciting. This year Italy defeated Germany in the finals. I watched a good number of these matches, and I wished that I could play so well! Nations' Cup for women doctors was started for the first time. This event was too-long in coming. Germany defeated Finland in the finals. Women's Nations' Cup will continue.
Daylight lasts a long time in Helsinki in the summer. I have some nice memories dining with friends at the Hilton in the restaurant next to the sea.
I am always interested in the quality and originality of the special events each year. The Welcoming Party was excellent; there was delicious food in a nice setting; we were able to renew friendships from past years there. On another evening the mayor of Helsinki invited us to City Hall; we enjoyed wine and food there, and many of us walked around downtown Helsinki after that. On another evening we did a Nature Walk on an island; it was very interesting to see how Finns lived some centuries ago; the Finns love nature, and we saw many trees and plants, as we walked along. This evening ended with a grand dinner of salmon and other delicious items. The Awards Dinner on the last evening was also a fine evening; Finnish vocalists sang in perfect harmony a number of songs, including Sibelius' "Finlandia."
Scientific sessions were held also; the topics and presentations by WMTS members were excellent. The organizers used, "local talent," i.e., doctors in the WMTS. In this way they were able to reduce expenses significantly.
Dr. Miroslav Ondrej, Slovakia, is the new President of WMTS; Dr. Lars Hagberg, Sweden, is the new Vice-President.
On behalf of WMTS, I thank the Finnish Medical Tennis Association for organizing one of the best-ever events in our 39 years. Congratulations on a job well done.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Manion, Executive Secretary