The meeting was brought to order by WMTS President Lon Olsen from USA promptly at 6:00pm. Those present were asked to stand and introduce themselves. Those present and signed-in were:
1. Doris Trubert-Exinger, Austria
2. Mary Hallowell, Canada
3. Zdravko Milkovic, Croatia
4. Jan Kirchner, Czech Republic
5. Micaela Hernberg, Finland
6. Gerhard Groell, Germany
Anna Bauwens (Past WMTS President)
7. Endre Petsch, Hungary
8. Eric Gultom, Indonesia
9. Hugh Harrington, Ireland
10. Josef Davidovitch, Israel
11. Suacca Kinceng Ymg, Italy
Bartolo Bresciano, Italy (Past WMTS President)
12. Tomita Sunei, Japan
13. Egils Valeinis, Latvia
14. Jonas Gerskes, Lithuania
15. Angelo Pasaila, Malta
16. John Muresan, Romania
17. Eric Zadig, Norway
18. Zbigniew Frenszkowski, Poland
19. Miroslav Ondrej, Slovakia
20. Lars Hagberg, Sweden
Gustav Oxeleus, Sweden (Past WMTS President)
21. Chi Pang Wen, Taiwan
22. Craig Broome, USA
23. Allison Tarrant, UK
James Buckle, UK
Not Attending:
24. Argentina
25. Moldova
26. Netherlands
Boro Vukoja, Guest from Croatia
Also several interpreters were present
The minutes of the San Diego meeting, Nov., 2007, were previously sent to the presidents by Jim Manion for pre-reading and instructed to bring to the Umag meeting. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes as submitted.
President Olsen gave a short but heartfelt thank you to the Milkovic family for tackling the enormous job of almost single-handedly organizing this meeting and acknowledged the long hours of hard work involved.
President Olsen reminded everyone the Executive Committee consists of 5 members:
Executive Secretary, Jim Manion
President, Lon Olsen
Past President, Micaela Hernberg
President Elect, Miroslav Ondrej
1st Vice-President, Egils Valeinis
He reminded the sitting presidents that they give advice, but do not dictate to the Excecutive Board and host nations. The Executive Board conducts WMTS business by email during the year.
President Olsen reviewed past accomplishments: At previous meetings, the following was enacted: (1.) Deleting requirement of host country to pay room and airfare of WMTS President and Executive Secretary. The only obligation is to pay for tournament registration for the 2 executives. (2) Presidents pay for part or all of their president's dinner so that the expense is not added to the general registration fees, if the host nation has been unable to find a sponsor. (3) Collect 5 US dollars from each participant in registration fee for WMTS website expenses and other operational expenses.
Dr. Milkovic passed out his written report of the 38th WMTS congress in Umag for the delegates to read. There were many problems with registration because many were unreadable, and that members would register, but not send in tennis tournament registration or money until much later.
Total attending....480
Total competators..299
Men MDs............183
Ladies MD...........87
Ladies non-MD.......25
Men non-MD...........4
There were 26 countries participating.
Betty Olsen read the report from Executive Director, Jim Manion.
Old Business
1. After general discussion, a motion was made, seconded and passed to formally change the name of the Scientific Arm of WMTS and amend Article 1 of the By-laws to: "Sports and Preventive Medicine Society".
2. Dr. Craig Broome, chairman of the Nation's Cup Review Committee, consisting of Egils Valeinis, Miraslav Ondrej, Micaela Hernberg, and Gustav Oxelius, recommended the following: (1) Keep format as is and (2) At the Helsinki meeting try a separate "Women's Nations Cup, if feasible.
Norway petitioned the committee to play a woman on their Nation's Cup team and it was granted after a review of the bylaws which did not stipulate gender, i.e. only Open Singles, 55 Singles and 45 Doubles.
3. Dr. Egils Valeinis reported on the continual problem of seeding players. He recommends the following formula: Results in the last 5 WMTS games could be taken into account. The best 3 counts. Points: 1st=10, 2nd=8, 3-4th=6, 5-8th=4. Consolation winner=2, runner-up=1. Additional 1 point for such result in younger age group. If an acknowledged strong player comes infrequently, he should be seeded #3. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept this seeding formula for MD singles and Nation's Cup.
Dr. Valeinis also submitted other suggestions on other problem topics for future discussion by the Executive Committee.
4. Dr. Broome reported that we need By-law changes to Article II, (C) and (D) to make intent clearer as (C) and (D) are now contradictory. Those needed changes should be written and passed out at the Helsinki meeting.
5. Micaela Hernberg passed out her report on the privacy issue regarding the WMTS website. There is a strict Privacy Policy in the EU countries. It was moved, seconded, and after discussion passed unanimously to leave general information regarding upcoming events, constitution, and a general wrap-up of meetings describing social programs and scientific programs without personal names on the public pages. Photos can be used with permission. Institute a "members only" section with user name and password for members to access tournament results and photos. Username/password should be distributed to WMTS members by country delegate and/or the Executive Secretary. New members should send a scanned copy of their MD license or other MD identification to country delegate/the ES.
The Constitution is to be amended as follows: Article VI titled "Amendments and By-laws" be moved to Article VII. A new article VI titled "Privacy Policy" to read as follows:
WMTS respects members/participants legal rights on privacy. WMTS assures that privately identifiable data (PID) are processed according to valid international laws on individual data privacy. WMTS collects PID of its members and/or participants solely for the organization of its yearly events and for limited publication thereof on its homepage, only within the password restricted members' area. This data consist of: Full name, age, specialty, home and email address, photographic material of participants. On the homepage WMTS can publish photographic material only after participant's consent. WMTS assures to keep PID secure and no longer than necessary. WMTS cannot take over any responsibility on PID misuse beyond the above described limitations."
Constitutional amendments need to be dealt with at TWO consecutive meetings, the second being Helsinki.
On any WMTS application/booking form including personal data have the following statement: "I have read and understood the privacy policy statement within the WMTS constitution and I agree to it."
6. WMTS 2009. Micaela Hernberg presented information and passed out brochures for the Helsinki, Finland meeting scheduled July 11-17, 2009. Organizers are still working on securing sponsors, and hope to reduce the price of registration. For now registration is as follows: Before April 1: physician=450E, spouse player=400E, non-player=225E, child 12-18=150E, under 12 free. Micaela reported all registration will be on line and with a credit card. Website: www.wmts2009.com. Three tennis sites will be used with transportation. If bad weather, will use 19 hard courts. SAS airline will give a 20% discount. Scientific meetings will be in the morning next to the breakfast room and in the afternoon at the tennis locations. Please submit abstracts by Feb. 1st.
7. WMTS 2010. Dr. Miraslav Ondrej reported progress on their upcoming meeting. The site of the meeting has been changed to Vanska with 20 courts in two places. The meeting will be held the end of August or first week of September. Nine Slovakian doctors are organizing this meeting.
8. WMTS 2011. Egils Valeinis reported that it will not be possible to hold the tournament in Latvia until 2013 because the new tennis complex will not be ready until June, 2012, and they will be demolishing the present courts to construct the new complex.
New Business
9. WMTS 2012. Dr. Bartolo Bresciano from Italy reported that the AMTI recently voted to withdraw their application to host the 2012 meeting, but he is still working on trying to change their minds.
10. Micaela Hernberg and Anna Bauwens will develop recommendations for establishing financial management of WMTS funds to be reported in Helsinki.
Dr. Milkovic reported that he has a special gold medal made to be presented by Dr. Lon Olsen at the awards banquet to the Milkovic family as a permanent memory of this meeting.
Dr. Olsen requested any country interested in hosting the WMTS 2011 or WMTS 2012 to contact Jim Manion.
Dr. Olsen adjourned the meeting at 8:10pm. The attendees and guests then enjoyed the Presidents' dinner held at the banquet room at Sol Umag.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Olsen, AMTA Executive Director
Substituting for Jim Manion, WMTS Executive Secretary