WMTS'Constitution and By-Laws. There will be a discussion of a number of issues. There needs to be a Nominating Committee to study prospective leaders in WMTS. In the past Vice-Presidents have been selected in a haphazard manner. The Executive Committee, in my opinion, should be pared down to exclude the Honorary President and the President from the host country.
Re the By-Laws: There has been significant interest in this-players 60+ should have the option to play a "3rd-set 10-point tie-breaker" if this is mutually agreed upon. This agreement may take place as late as the end of the second set. I have "run this idea by" a number of WMTS countries' Presidents; these Presidents do not favor this.
In my opinion the "categories" should be the same for men and women. At present the men play competition within a 5-year range, but the women must play within a 10-year range. If the draws for the 5-year-women's range are too small, then categories could be combined. (See by-laws.)
New WMTS President. Micaela Hernberg will become the next President of WMTS. This will take place at the Presidents' meeting on Wednesday evening. Dr. Gerhard Groell has declined becoming President for a personal reason. (We are pleased that he will still attend the meeting in Poland.)
Use of Email Addresses. It is important to use our email addresses only for WMTS-related issues.
WMTS' Website. Unfortunately, there has not been progress made on this. There will be a discussion of this at the Presidents' meeting.
"Fila Connection" As noted in last year's minutes I was to try to develop a continuing sponsorship of WMTS events. Dr. Heinz Pflueger, Austria, put me in touch of the representative with whom he worked last year. I sent 3 emails during the year; the first was a "I'll get back to you." The other two were unanswered.
WMTS Representation. I have email addresses of WMTS Presidents of 28 countries. Some of the countries'doctors are very active in supporting WMTS; others are ...quite inactive. A year ago there were 39 countries represented in WMTS; in recent years only about 20 countries have sent doctors to attend WMTS meetings. Some of the Presidents of the "inactive countries" do not have email addresses that I know of. I sent these Presidents "snail mail" to encourage their interest, but I barely received any responses. I do not intend to contact again those doctors who did not respond.
If any of you know of doctors from other countries, or your own country, I will make a follow-up contact after you have spoken to them. (While in Liberia, Dr. Bresciano found an interested physician, Dr. Beni Bouakez, so now we have a Liberian representation.)
Ranking of Players. It is good for the host country to know who the better players are. Then proper seeding of players can take place. I will obtain the results of the tournament in Poland, and I will forward those, and the Austrian results, to Malta, and then to the U.S. in 2007.
Respectfully submitted,
James L. Manion, M.D.
Exec. Sec'y, WMTS