The 35th meeting was called to order, Dr. Toru Higashi presiding.
Attendance. Four past WMTS Presidents were in attendance - Drs. Bartolo Bresciano, Jim Manion, Gusse Oxelius, and Angelo Psaila. Delegates were Drs. Yosef Davidovitch of Israel, Samuel Simon of Indonesia, George John of the United Kingdom, Willy Halim of The Netherlands, Chi Pang Wen of Taiwan, Egils Valeinis of Latvia, Doris Trubert Exinger of Austria, Zdravko Milkovic of Croatia, Angelo Psaila of Malta, Erik Zadig of Norway, Rene Urbanec of Czech Republic, Miroslave Ondrej of Slovakia, Gusse Oxelius of Sweden, Paul Young of U.S.A., Gyorgy Orosz of Hungary, Joerg Klocke of Germany, Micaela Hernberg of Finland, Bartolo Bresciano of Italy, Krzysztof Migala of Poland, and Toru Higashi of Japan. 20 countries were represented.
Others in attendance were Drs. Zbigniew Frenszkowski and Marek Filipek of Poland, Jaroslav Boucek of Czech Republic, Malin Calman of Israel, Januar Arifin of Indonesia, Lon & Betty Olsen of U.S.A., and Mr. Michael Abele, Malta.
Minutes of Meeting in Austria, 2004. The minutes were approved without additions or corrections.
President's Report. Dr. Higashi reported 22 countries were represented, and 322 people attended. He expressed gratitude to the Polish organizers for their efforts in staging a successful meeting.
New President. Dr. Micaela Hernberg has become the new president of WMTS. She presented gifts to Dr. Higashi for his two years of service. She said she is happy to become the president for a group she considers a family.
Poland's Report. Dr. Frenszkowski reported there were 269 players and 53 accompanying, non-playing persons. He said questionnaires were distributed to 60+ women and 70+ and 75+ men. All players want to play at least two sets rather than a shorter format.
15 countries participated in the Nations' Cup competition. [Italy won - 2 years in a row.]
Executive Secretary's Report. Dr. Manion submitted his written report, distributed earlier by email. He added the wish for Dr. Groell's return to good health.
Selection of President-Elect. Dr. Lon Olsen, U.S.A., was nominated by Dr. Manion who said it would be appropriate to have an American as President when WMTS is held in San Diego, California, in 2007. Delegates voted Dr. Olsen as the President-Elect.
Selection of Vice-President. Dr. Miroslav Ondrej, Slovakia, was nominated by Dr. Psaila. The delegates voted Dr. Ondrej as the Vice-President.
Changes in the Constitution. [Refer to Article VI A of the Constitution.]
The delegates have voted to change the members of the Executive Committee. Starting in 2006, after the WMTS Congress, Malta, if delegates once again agree, "The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, and the Executive Secretary."
Also, Article IV F shall be added. "A Nominating Committee shall be formed. The committee will consist of the President, President-Elect, Vice-President, and the Executive Secretary. When it is time to select a new Vice-President, the Executive Secretary shall call for names from delegates. Two names will be submitted by the Nominating Committee to the delegates at the Presidents' meeting."
By-Laws Changes, Effective Now.
Article II, B,2. "Categories for female physicians: SINGLES-Open, 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+, 80+ DOUBLES-Open, 45+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+70+, 75+."
Article II, B, 3. "Categories for physicians' female spouses-same as II B 2."
Article II, B, 3,4,5. "Significant others" shall be added. ["Significant others" are persons likely sharing living areas with each other; there is a committed relationship. "Significant others" ARE NOT local tennis trainers brought along to easily win the tournament; this would be cheating.]
Article II, B, 8. To be added--"onsolation players must indicate to the Tournament Director that they want to play."
[Note well-Art II, B 6 "Events may be combined where required by short draws."].
A discussion was held about changing the format of play. There had been interest in 60+ players having an option to play a 10-point tie-breaker instead of a complete 3rd set. A vote was taken, and play will remain the same, i.e., beat two out of three sets.
Dr. Young wondered about possible changes in MXD categories, and it was agreed to table this until next year.
WMTS's Website. Dr. Manion explained our website has not been effective. He was given approval to start a new WMTS website. [Ms. Linda Bookman, USA, daughter of Lon and Betty Olsen, will assist Dr. Manion who gives much credit to Dr. Balazs Sonkodi, Hungary, for bringing WMTS into a more modern stage.]
Report of Malta Meeting, October 14-21, 2006. Dr. Psaila and Mr. Abele reported on the progress. Information was handed out. Much work has already been done to make this "one of the best ever" in Dr. Psaila's words. The tennis, scientific sessions, and special events will be exceptional. There will be up to 30 hard courts. The hotels are all close to the courts. The Hilton will be the headquarters hotel.
The website for the meeting: www.wmtsmalta.com
Report of the U.S.A., San Diego meeting, September 8-14, 2007. Betty Olsen, E.D. of AMTA, gave a Power Point presentation of the meeting . The tournament will be held at the Barnes Tennis Center near the ocean and Mission Bay. Our long-time AMTA and WMTS friend, Homer Peabody, played a major role in the construction of this center. The Hilton will be the headquarters hotel. The Bahia and the Holiday Inn are close-by and have lower rates. There are over 20 courts available. A discount in the registration fee is planned for early registrants.
The website for the meeting: http://mdtennis.org
Report of Meeting in Croatia, 2008. Dr. Milkovic said the meeting will be in Umag, a resort area on the Adriatic Sea. He passed out brochures showing the beauty of the area and of Croatia. A date has not been chosen yet.
Brief Reports of Meetings in Finland, 2009, and Latvia, 2010. Dr. Hernberg said Finland would like to host in 2009 and Dr. Valeinis said Latvia would like to host in 2010.
New Business/Old Business.
Dr. Chi Pang Wen said it would be good to have the participating nations' flags flying. There was agreement on this. Dr. Manion will check on the proper dimensions soon, and he'll relay that to Dr. Psaila in Malta. Participating countries will bring their own flags.
Seeding of players remains an important issue. Dr. Manion will be sure Malta has Austrian and Poland results. Delegates should help in the seeding of their countries' players. Players themselves must stress their tennis skills.
Score cards at courtside would be good to have. Many spectators enjoy the matches, and the cards can help with the scoring.
Dr. Olsen wondered if a spouse of a deceased physician player could still attend. It was decided this would not occur very often, and the Executive Committee would rule on this each time. The probable answer each time is "yes."
Dr. Oxelius gave a reminder that if players enter three events, they are guaranteed 6 matches.
Respectfully submitted,
James L. Manion, M.D.
Executive Secretary
World Medical Tennis Society
September, 2005