Our great, good friend, Dr. Stanley McCampbell, a founder of WMTS in 1971 and its President for many years, has died. I received word from his daughter, Sody, that he passed away on September 23rd. Stan was 85; he is survived by his wife, Joan, his children, Sody, Robert, Jim, and Kelly, and 6 grandchildren.
Besides being a good husband, father, grandfather, which is legacy-enough for anybody, Stan had a grand vision to bring together physicians from around the world to play tennis, to share experiences, to make friends, to have scientific sessions, and to travel to wonderful places in the world. In 1971, in Monte Carlo, he invited 5 other doctors, Enrique Gastaldi Albiol of Spain, Luciano Galanti of Italy, Bernard Kessler of France, Paul Schrankenmueller of Germany, and Wolfgang Zaunbauer of Austria, to sign on. Thus WMTS was born. It&apo;s many years later, and WMTS is still going. Thus another legacy of Stan McCampbell.
I think the last meeting where he played tennis was in Bol, Yugoslavia, in 1989. He was bothered by arthritis and found it difficult to play. However, he always wanted to know about the meetings, and I would write summaries for him. He made an appearance at the Fort Worth meeting in 1999.
I've mentioned this to WMTS friends before: Without WMTS, maybe my wife and I would have traveled to many countries, and maybe we would have met people of other countries who would become lifelong friends, and maybe we would visit international friends in their homes and they in ours, and maybe our friends children and ours would do the same, and maybe we would remain physically fit, but?maybe not! WMTS has surely enriched our lives and the lives of many other members.
He was a very-accomplished man. His obituary (here) notes much of what he has done.
Thank goodness for Stan McCampbell. May he rest in peace.
There are 2 email addresses if you would like to send condolences: stanmac@prodigy.net and sodypop@aol.com Jim Manion
Executive Secretary