Memoirs of the WMTS.
Dr. Stanley McCampbell Quotes
""Bill Drake and I..decided to form the World Medical Tennis Society. There were 6 countries represented at the Congress. [A doctors' tennis tournament in 1971 with scientific sessions in Monte Carlo, organized by some French travel agents as a profitable enterprise.] We selected who we thought was the leader from each country and invited them to lunch at the Monte Carlo Country Club. Those invited were Enrique Gastaldi Albio (Spain,) Luciano Galanti (Italy,) Bernard Kessler (France,) Paul Schrankenmueller (Germany,) and Wolfgang Zaunbauer (Austria.)""
""At the luncheon...we urged them to return to their...countries and organize...medical tennis associations. I assured them that I would get other nations to join our international society. At this meeting the World Medical Tennis Society was founded. That luncheon tab was by far the best $75 I ever spent.""
""Another incident in Monte Carlo: We were promised by the personal representative of Prince Rainier that Princess Grace...would appear to present the trophies to the winners. A day later we were told that it would be impossible since Grace spent the month of June in the USA, but that Prince Rainier, himself, would substitute. A day later we were told that Prince Rainier was in Germany... Princess Antoinette, Prince Rainier's sister would do it. I did not care who did it, but after all of the promises I wanted someone from the palace to present the trophies, even if it were only a palace guard. ...Princess Antoinette was as gracious as she could be and met all of our delegation with enthusiasm. Anyone wanting a picture of me with the Princess is welcome to write to me. This was pretty heady stuff for a dirt farmer from Oklahoma.""
""When I returned from Monte Carlo, I had my work cut out for me. In order to spread the word...I had to reach a very select audience, doctor tennis players who had leadership potential. I wrote letters to all the world's Lawn Tennis Associations and embassies requesting the names of doctors with the above qualifications. For example, the Swedish gave me the name of Hans Nerell. Hans wrote back: "You have got the right man." And did I ever! Hans organized the Swedish, brought in the other Scandinavian countries, and even got us a contact in Russia.""
""I have subsequently felt great admiration for the management hosts of all the meetings since it is a multi-faceted machine with too many moving parts. I have always tried to express my sincere appreciation for the dedication of those willing to undertake such a chore.""
""Bill Drake once said: "Isn't it funny how this little _________organization has changed so many lives?" I do not know if he meant AMTA or WMTS but it applies equally to both. For myself, I have traveled extensively and made life long friends of doctors all over the world. I have certainly been to many splendid places and had many interesting times that otherwise would have escaped me.
""One of the great by-products of WMTS has been the international friendships that have developed. Many of the doctors have traded children for a year of schooling, and, in my own case, we were visited on vacation by three children; two French and one German. These great, close, and enduring friendships have certainly led to greater international understanding and ultimately are a leg up to international peace.""
""To me it has been a great honor to know and enjoy the friendship of doctors from around the world. It has been the most exciting experience of my life. Doctors...can be assured that if they travel thousands of miles to meetings, they will be certain of a warm welcome, well-organized tournaments and scientific sessions, and a grand, good time. It is an opportunity, unequalled, as far as I know, of enjoying the friendship of interesting, fun loving, sportsman-life doctors who will be friends for life. I would certainly like to do it all over again.""
Excerpts from Dr. Stanley McCampbell's, ""My Memoirs of...The World Medical Tennis Society,"" written in 1991.