President's Letter 2024
You were born to be a player. You were meant to be here. This moment is yours...
Dear WMTS Members and Friends,
The 53rd Congress and Championships of the WMTS have just come to an end in Budapest. The end of one story is the beginning of a new one. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to the organisers and all those who contributed to the excellent event.
Thank you words go to Mr Akos Pethes, who undoubtedly lent his name and influence to make the event a success. Thanks for the attention, for the opportunities he provided not only to compete on the courts, but also to get to know the special Hungarian culture that enriched every single participant.
It's not only the visible people who make the event the success it is. The meticulous work down to the smallest detail is mostly carried out by the ""invisible"" people, without whom there would be no success at all. My sincere thank you goes to the ""invisible"" Mr Egils Valeinis, a tireless and hard-working member of the WMTS executive committee. Thanks to him we enjoyed the smoothness and lightness of being.
Mrs Joanna Szafranek and all the WMTS Presidents before her, deserve the biggest thanks as well. These people have ensured the existence of the WMTS for 53 years!
I exercise my right to present the list of the 2024-2026 Executive Committee: President Remigijus Zaliunas, M.D., Lithuania; President-Elect Akos Pethes, M.D., Hungary; Vice-President Magdalena Aabel, M.D., Norway, Immed.Past President Joanna Szafranek, M.D., Poland and Exec. Secretary/Treasurer Egils Valeinis, M.D., Latvia.
As the new President of WMTS, I would like to point out that our organization has 40 member countries. However, we haven't seen representatives from some of these countries at the championships for decades, nor have we had any contact with the elected representatives. This situation needs to be changed.
May I kindly ask all Delegates to promote the 54th WMTS Congress and Championship in Poland and motivate all the physicians to participate and send us the confirmation of their availability and presence so that we can plan and prepare the event most properly. This most exciting event gives everybody a unique opportunity to meet the colleagues from around the globe and to create the outstanding spirit of commitment to sport together. These are the moments we are going to remember.
Please charm the event with your presence.