President's Report 2023
Another year of our association's activity is coming to an end. Time to summarize it.
The most important event that took place relatively recently was WMTS in Jurmala, Latvia. We still feel the atmosphere of that event competition in the spirit of fair play, according to which striving to win does not make players enemies, but partners in the game. The meeting will remain in our memory for a long time. I also take this opportunity to thank the organizers of the championship once again, especially our irreplaceable Egils Valeinis, his beautiful wife Lauma and his wonderful children for their excellent preparation and creating satisfactory conditions for the reception of all arriving competitors. The championship was held for the 52nd time. It is a source of pride for all of us, current and previous members of the association, to whom I would also like to express gratitude a posteriori for building a tradition that we are obliged to continue.
Unfortunately, at the meeting of presidents representing various countries, where the next organizer of the championship was elected, due to different voting rules, the Turkish team have left our group. We hope that they will consider their decision more deeply and return to our group.
Next year there will be the 53rd WMT Championship. The event, after correctly conducted voting, will take place in Budapest, Hungary. Its organizer will be Vice President, Dr. Akos Pethes.
By emphasizing the value of the cooperation, mutual kindness and assistance that has accompanied us so far, I am sure that nothing will change in this respect Relationships between members are valuable to all of us, for whom participation in the association's activities is not an obligation, but a sports challenge combined with real pleasure. Wishing everyone a good year, I would also like to convey to all of you the wishes of true satisfaction from your medical profession, strength and meeting in the same or larger group next year.
Joanna Szafranek,
President, WMTS